
Showing posts from February, 2018

WEEK 6 (FYP 2)

2nd Briefing (Result & Discussion and Conclusion) In this week, the briefing was conducted in TTL and as usuall, all the attandance of all FYP 2 student is compulsory. DATE: 28 FEBRUARY 2018 VENUE: TTL 1 TIME: 3PM - 5PM In this briefing, the FYP committees have been brief us about: HOW TO WRITE CHAPTER 4 AND CHAPTER 5 IN THESIS WRITING What the examiners are looking for? Result checklist. Discussion Checklist. Expected from conclusion. Recommendation after the project.

WEEK 5 (FYP 2)

Servo Motor Interfacing With NodeMcu....How It Work? Movement of object can be controlled by controlling motor movement. Normally in robotics projects, servo motor control mechanism is very useful controlling position robotics. In this week's blog..I write and testing about  servo motor control using NodeMcu ESP8266 . Keep read my blog and I will explain more detail about the servo motor. :D :D SERVO MOTOR?                                  SG-90 (Servo motor for motorized curtain)                MG90S (Servo motor for open/close door) Specification connection Because of the name is that the servo motor in the way to control the position of objects. It is easily to control the physical movement of any object because due to the easily position controlled feature. Servo motor cannot move in direct...

WEEK 4 (FYP 2)

Activity: Control the Lamp with Relay (Experiment 1) Assalamualaikum... Hello guys...for this week I gonna show some experiment and try to explain with briefly and this is the first experiment which is about to control the lamp. All experiment that I do were related with my Final Year Project which is THE DEVELOPMENT OF AUTOGATE SYSTEM USING SMARTPHONE FOR RESIDENCY. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM As shown as below is the circuit diagram via the Fritzing Software. CODE  Yeay the experiment was succesful !!!!!


JOURNAL 1 WHY USE LINUX ? Does that operating system you’re currently using really work “just fine”? Or are you constantly battling viruses, malware, slow downs, crashes, costly repairs, and licensing fees? If you struggle with the above, and want to free yourself from the constant fear of losing data or having to take your computer in for the “yearly clean up,” Linux might be the perfect platform for you. Linux has evolved into one of the most reliable computer ecosystems on the planet. Combine that reliability with zero cost of entry and you have the perfect solution for a desktop platform. Its also don't have issue with malware, viruses, or random computer slow-downs. It’s that stable. And server reboots? Only if the kernel is updated. It is not out of the ordinary for a Linux server to go years without being rebooted. That’s stability and dependability. Linux is also distributed under an open source license. Open source follows the following key philos...

WEEK 3 (FYP 2)

1st FYP 2 BRIEFING Today is the 3rd week for this FYP 2. Normally, the 1st briefing is on week 1. Because of the some problem on arrange the time table on FYP calendar.  It's okay ya...Now let's get focus on this week. The briefing was conducted in TTL 2 and the attendance to all FYP 2 students is compulsory. The speaker is by Dr Siti Marwangi Mohamad Maharum. DATE: 9 FEBRUARY 2018 VENUE: TTL 2 TIME: 3PM - 5PM In this briefing, the FYP committees have briefed us about: Code of the Subject FYP must be correct and student should be register the project title for minor amendment before week 8.  Assessment that need to be cover for FYP 2 which is final report (logbook/blog), presentation, and project proposal.  FYP 2 should be continues after the proposal report with do the result&analysis, discussions, and conclusion of overall project.  FYP 2 activities along this semester.


JOURNAL 3 GATE AND SECURITY Electric gates alone, however solid and imposing they may be, cannot guarantee a completely secure environment electric locks, are often needed to boost the locking effectiveness of the gate motors. Electric gates are recommended to be used in combination with other security features to install a full security system. A few of these features are closed circuits with security cameras, additional gates in conjunction with the main gate, electronic keycards and keypads, security guards. Aside from the additional security features that should go with parking barrier gates, electric security gates often offer safety features like sensors that determine when there is an obstruction to prevent the electronic gate from swinging into a vehicle or closing on somebody's hands. To prevent the electronic gates from being damaged by irresponsible drivers driving fast speed bumps are also commonly placed befor...


JOURNAL 2 DATA BACKUP FOR CCTV A vital necessity of CCTV/Surveillance systems is to have its data available for viewing when a situation demands it. Many a time however, due to forgetfulness and other omissions on the part of the people responsible for ensuring system function, data is found to be missing, resulting in unsolved crimes with twin consequences: Potentially huge financial losses and legal complications to the organization Emboldened dishonest elements repeating offenses due to a confidence in the failure of the surveillance systems


JOURNAL 1 The OS of LINUX The Bootloader: The software that manages the boot process of your computer. For most users, this will simply be a splash screen that pops up and eventually goes away to boot into the operating system. The kernel: This is the one piece of the whole that is actually called “Linux”. The kernel is the core of the system and manages the CPU, memory, and peripheral devices. The kernel is the “lowest” level of the OS. Daemons: These are background services (printing, sound, scheduling) that either start up during boot, or after you log into the desktop. The Shell: You’ve probably heard mention of the Linux command line. This is the shell – a command process that allows you to control the computer via commands typed into a text interface. This is what, at one time, scared people away from Linux the most (assuming they had to learn a seemingly archaic command line structure to make Linux work). This is no longer the case. With modern desktop Li...