
Showing posts from March, 2018

WEEK 10 (FYP 2)

Activity: Interface Webserver with NodeMcu (Experiment 3) Introduction In this project we are going to build a simple home automation project allows you to control home appliance from anywhere. Webserver is a simple to create button. Hardware required Webpage and NodeMCU is used in this example. Inset NodeMCU to the Webserver as shown in the image ahead then connect NodeMCU to PC or Laptop through USB cable. Connect UCB cable from NodeMcu to PC or Laptop On Webpage You need to perform following steps on Blynk App. Insert the IP address got from serial monitor at Arduino IDE. Insert the IP addresse and set the name project After insert the IP address, the webpage will show the button Button on webpage CODE The experiment was successful !!!!!!!!!!!

WEEK 9 (FYP 2)

Activity: 4th Briefing (Abstract, Poster and Presentation ) Salam viewers...this week where the briefing was conducted in TTL 1 and as usual always happened on the evening. All students FYP 2 were compulsory in attendance. The speaker for this workshop is Ms. Najihah Saleh (Electrical Technology Section) DATE:  21 MARCH 2018 VENUE:  TTL 1 TIME:  3PM - 5PM  In this briefing, the FYP committees have been briefing to us about: HOW TO WRITE ABSTRACT IN THESIS WRITING, PREPARATION FOR POSTER AND SKILLS FOR PRESENTATION ABSTRACT WRITING One(1)page  One(1)paragraph  No point form for the sentences  The sentences must be written in statement form  Summary review of; -objectives, scope and limitation, methodology, and results  POSTER PRESENTATION Must be in PPT format and for advance is using the adobe software  The sample can be seen at the fyp website.. Layout of the Poster PRESENTATION SKILL...

WEEK 8 (FYP 2)

What is webserver ?? Why chose web server because at the same time you can certainly construct and test HTML page on computer without a web server and majority web professionals used their own web server. Web servers also have many advantages and of course one of that are in production hosting environment was essential. Besides that, depending on website, a web server might to be sure be essential in development environment. The advantages of using a web server in your development environment: On local website behave further like the live one  This web server can use server-side scripting languages such as ColdFusion and PHP.  It does also allow you to standardise coding.  You also can get knowledge from using web server because it help you to understand on how it works.

WEEK 7 (FYP 2)

Activity: Control the Servo (Experiment 2) Assalamualaikum... Hello guys...for this week I gonna show some experiment and try to explain with briefly and this is the second experiment which is about to control the servo motor for autogate system. All experiment that I do were related with my Final Year Project which is THE DEVELOPMENT OF AUTOGATE SYSTEM USING SMARTPHONE FOR RESIDENCY. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM As shown as below is the circuit diagram via the Fritzing Software. TESTING ON BREADBOARD The circuit is complete done !!!!! CODE VIDEO Yeay.... The experiment was successful !!!!!!!