Orange Pi is a family of Linux-powered, single board computers Unlike the Raspberry Pi, which has had a small but growing family of single board computers for different price points, form factors, and features, the number of Orange Pi boards is much larger. The good news is that you have a tremendous amount of choice in the application you want, but the bad news is that amount of choice could be overwhelming. In my case, I went with the Orange Pi Zero 512MB version, because it has the right balance of features and is priced for use in high school, academic environments.

Specifically, I needed the device to be as inexpensive as possible, but still useful out of the box, with Internet connectivity for SSH and IoT applications. The Orange Pi Zero meets these requirements by having onboard 10/100M Ethernet and 802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi for Internet connectivity. It also has 26 Raspberry Pi-compatible GPIO ports for connecting sensors for IoT applications. 

he Orange Pi is definitely a solution looking for problems. Given its low cost, ability to get up and running quickly, relatively quick performance, and GPIO-pin compatibility with Raspberry Pi, the Orange Pi, and Orange Pi Zero in particular, should definitely be on your short list for experimentation in your workshop, classroom, or robot.

Credit to : Kumar, V., Mahala, P., Kumar, N., Sharma, N., & Rathora, P. (2017). Smart Home Automation Security System Based On IoT
