When a steady, reliable voltage is needed, voltage regulators are the go-to component. They take an input voltage and create a regulated output voltage regardless of the input voltage at either a fixed voltage level or adjustable voltage level (by selecting the right external components).

This automatic regulation of the output voltage level is handled by various feedback techniques, some as simple as a Zener diode while others include complex feedback topologies that can improve performance, reliability, efficiency, and add other features like boosting output voltage above the input voltage to the voltage regulator.

There are a number of types of voltage regulators that range from very affordable to very efficient. The most affordable and often the easiest type of voltage regulator to use are linear voltage regulators. Linear regulators come in a couple of types, are very compact, and used often in low voltage, low power systems. Switching regulators are much more efficient than linear voltage regulators, but they are harder to work with and more expensive.

Types of Voltage Regulators: 
  • Linear Regulators 
  • Switching Regulators 
  • Zener Diodes
Credit to : Reuban, S. (2014). Desing and Implementation of A Microcontroller Based Automatic Door NAd Visitor Counter.
